National Conference of Plant Physiology - 2024

Poster Presentation Guidelines

A poster should be self-contained and self-explanatory, which would assist different viewers to proceed on their own while the author can supplement or discuss points raised during interaction. Dedicated time will be allocated in the conference program for poster viewing by delegates during specific session and an opportunity for poster presenters to be available to discuss their work with conference delegates on an individual basis. 

Format of the Poster 

  • Posters should be printed on a single sheet of A0 size paper [84 x 119 cm (or 33 inches width x 47 inches height)]. The poster display platform area will be approximately one square meter which can accommodate A0 size poster.
  • Times new roman font with different font sizes should be used without mixing different fonts. 
  • To highlight text use underlined text, bold face or italics or any two combinations to emphasize words and phrases.
  • In composing the poster, use of long sentences should be avoided, and bullet summaries can be utilized in some or most cases.


Poster template

Abstract Number: Please mention abstract number at top, left corner of the poster in Font Size (FS) 36.

Poster Title: The title of a poster should use the same words as written in your accepted submission. The Title should be very prominent and legible from a distance of up to 2 meters. It should be in at least FS 72 Times or Ariel, Center aligned. Use title case and avoid uppercase letters

Authors and affiliations: Center aligned
 Authors FS 28
 Affiliations FS 20
 E-mail address FS 20

(Besides this a passport size photo may be also printed on right corner of the poster, but it is optional)

#FS – Font size

Introduction: Title should be left aligned in FS28; body in FS24.

Materials and Methods: Title should be left aligned in FS28; body in FS24. One to two paragraphs, align left or justify. Include citations where appropriate. Body is align left or justify.

Results and Discussion: Title should be left aligned in FS28; body in 24 FS. Figures and/or Tables are included here:

Table and Figure: titles should be FS24 with Table and Figure titles usually at the top of the table and figure. The contents of the tables and figures should be FS20 or 24. Figures/ graphs are more desirable that Tables.

Conclusion: Title should be left aligned in FS28; body in 24 FS.

References: Title should be left aligned in FS 24, body in 20 FS.

Acknowledgment (optional): Title should be left aligned in FS24, body in FS20.


ICAR - Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kasaragod, Kerala

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